My 11 steps goldmaking plan for the war within
Here is the 11 first things that I will do for goldmaking in the war within. The plan is for the first few weeks of the new expansion.
On August 22nd, the world ( of warcraft ) changes forever. A brand new expansion opens its doors. It can be an overwhelming time. This is why I’m making a plan to put priorities in order. That being said, it’s very important to understand why we make plans and that plans can change. Here is a famous quote from Mike Tyson that reflects my thoughts.

The main reason why I made a plan is not to make more gold. It’s to lower my anxiety! When you know where you are going and why, it’s easier to move forward. Planning can also help you make sure that you won’t forget anything. In addition, it’s an insightful exercise to figure out your priorities.
Step 1 : Log in to every single level 70 characters (30 minutes)
This is something that is pretty basic but extremely important. Log in to your characters will enable rested experience. Rested experience doubles the experience gains. It is based on how long your character didn’t gain experience. It does have a cap but this will give you tons of free experience on your full account. I will only do this step for my main professions toon and/or characters that I know will be leveled early.
Step 2 : Buy the polished pet charms pets ( 1 to 2 hours )
As of the moment of writing this article, 7 new pets, which are buyable with polished pet charms, are available in the war within. Two of them are from the city of threads ( The first is 250 charms while the second is 500 charms ). They might require another currency called “kej” but we’ll have to see when the game is live. Five other pets are available for sale in the main city. We don’t know their pet charm prices yet. I will also level them to 25 before selling them. For more information on pet charms, check out my article on polished pet charms. The polished pet charms spreadsheet will also be updated in the next few days.

Step 3 : Obtain 7 recipes from engineering and jewelcrafting ( 2 hours )
If you aren’t familiar with my ways, I love crafting items like toys. New craftable toys are a great way to make gold early. In the last year, I’ve made over 13 million gold in profit from crafted toys ( and 8 more millions with similar items like illusions or cosmetics ). To learn more about my yearly sales, check out my last article. To learn more about the 7 new recipes for toys, sign up to the newsletter for my next article!

Step 4 : Get to level 80 on 1 character ( 8 to 12 hours )
In Dragonflight, there were a lot of what’s called “account unlocks”. For example, Skyriding races world quests needed Valdrakken Accord reputation to unlock. Many features will unlock once you reach level 80. On top of that, your account will get a 5% experience increase. This 5% stacks up to 25% if you level 5 characters to level 80.
Step 5: Main crafters professions and knowledge. ( 4 hours )
I have 2 characters dedicated to every profession in the game. They are going to need as much knowledge as possible and at that point in my plan, early access should be concluded. I don’t really expect to make gold from this process at the start. I just don’t want to miss out on knowledge points that could be crucial in the following weeks.
Step 6: Make and sell green professions equipment. ( 2 hours )
Green professions tools are going to be in very high demand at the start of the expansion. These are amazing items to sell on multiple servers. I could definitely see some servers starving for profession equipment. In Dragonflight, I sold a lot of profession equipment for 3000 to 4000 each, even though the crafting cost was below 100 gold.

Step 7: Finish the main campaign. ( 4 hours is my guess but it could be more )
This step could definitely be done earlier as I really like to unlock everything that can lead to new opportunities. It will really depend on finding out what you get from doing so. Just like step 4, reaching doors that your full account can enter can be huge! In Dragonflight, the community feast could give you a pricey embellishment. If I can do a similar event on all of my characters or multiple events, it could be an incredible way to make gold! If a sellable pet or mount drops from these events, it can be worth hundreds of thousands of gold!
Step 8: Get a lot of reputation. ( Infinite amount of time )
We have now arrived at the stabilization section. This is the part where we have a lot more information on the expansion so in reality, it could be a while before I start farming reputation. Reputation is nice to have but will probably not be as important as time sensitive goldmaking opportunities. As much research as everyone did, a lot of farms will slip under the radar. More reputation means more account unlocks but more importantly, account-wide profession knowledge. Each faction will give professions knowledge starting at rank 12. That’s extremely valuable for alt army purposes. ( not that each profession needs 2 different reputations to unlock the knowledge. If you are targeting certain professions, make sure to select the correct reputation. )

Step 9: Level main crafters ( Probably 30 to 40 hours )
Leveling about 8 more characters will be a lengthy process. However, it is pretty high on the priority list to get access to more recipes and more opportunities.
Step 10: Get the “Coppers” pet ( 30 minutes )
The “Coppers” pet is essentially a “vendor” pet. You can summon him anywhere and vendor your items. It might even be sellable on the auction house but we'll have to see. It’s one of the best convenience items along Alvin the anvil ( anvil pet ) and lil’ragnaros ( cooking fire pet )
EDIT: The coppers pet no longer works for vendoring!

Step 11: Fishing and gathering ( Will depend on how profitable it is )
If you intend to mine and herb, make sure to pick up fishing as well. If you see crates in the water, they have a very high chance to have darkmoon cards inside! I don’t know how much gathering I’ll be doing with my limited play time. Since we are talking about gathering, I’d like to predict that gathering will be insanely profitable.
In Shadowlands, you could make over 20 000 gold per hour for 80% of the expansion. I’m expecting similar numbers if not more. I think blizzard has implemented barriers for the bots which will help. The demand for high quality materials will be extremely high and I’m not sure players will be able to supply it. It usually means high prices. Another important aspect is “material dumps”. A TON of materials will be used for npc work orders. Great changes for gathering and base materials relevance.
With so much missing information, it’s important to remind ourselves to take it slow. Having a plan can be a good thing but I wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t follow this plan too much. If servers are too unstable to level or if professions have major bugs, I’ll need to readjust. If the darkmoon cards are 100 000 gold each, I might just stop what I’m doing to fish some cards! I hope you can get some insight from this article. I’ll be streaming on august 22nd on twitch and youtube so make sure to stop by and ask any of your goldmaking questions or suggestions!