Making gold with Polished pet charms

Polished pet charms is a great way to make tons of gold with no effort in WoW retail! Learn how to level your pets for resale purposes and goldmaking


5/15/20248 min read

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Why should you acquire polished pet charms?

Polished pet charms are an infinite way of making gold. You can get 100 or 100 000 and you will still make lots of gold from them. At the moment of making this article, I’m getting 200 gold per pet charm from various methods. Since I get roughly 2000 pet charms a week ( from an hour of playing time ), that’s 400 000 gold weekly.

Not everyone gets this amount of gold per pet charm. I will give you my tips later on how to maximize profit, but keep in mind that it’s very easy to get 50 gold per pet charm. Obtaining the charms might not be as hard as you think. It’s actually possible without ever doing any pet battles!

Gold is not the only reason why people get those charms. You can upgrade and level every pet in your collection without ever doing any pet battles. Since the data for azeroth website community get more points from rare quality pets at max level, polished pet charms can be an incredible way to get tons of DFA points or simply upgrade your whole collection.

This article is the first of a series of 2. Today, we will talk about obtaining pet charms and turning them into gold. In the next post that will be released in 2 weeks ( or now if you are a patreon ), we will talk about how to sell pets better and faster!

What can you buy with pet charms?

There are a lot of pets that you can buy with charms but for now, I’ll focus on the various other items.

Images of the items below.

Marked flawless battle-stone : Upgrade the rarity of any pet in your collection. Data for azeroth will give you more points for a pet if it has a rare quality. It costs 15 charms.

Ultimate training battle-stone : Instantly trains a battle pet to gain 25 levels. This is not the most efficient way to level pets but can be useful in some situations. It costs 35 charms.

Mystery bags : Contains specific types of experience stones for pets. This is the most efficient way to level pets. Using these, it will cost you 18 pet charms to level a pet to max level. However, you will need to level every type of pet for maximum efficiency. Each bag costs 2 charms.

Pet treat: Increase experience gained from pet battles by 50% for one hour. This is a consumable that can be extremely good for leveling pets. It also stacks with the next item. It costs 10 charms.

Lesser pet treat: Increase experience gained from pet battles by 25% for one hour. This is a consumable that can be extremely good for leveling pets. It also stacks with the previous item. It costs 5 charms.

polished pet charms purchasable items
polished pet charms purchasable items
Leveling pets for gold

The first way to make gold is to buy level one pets, level them and sell them for a higher price. This is where I can often get over 200 gold per pet charms. Using mystery bags, it costs me 18 pet charms to level a pet. My tsm minimum price is at dbregionsaleavg+ 3600g. The 3600g is the 18 pet charms multiplied by 200 gold.


Tsm minimum price : The minimum price to undercut someone. If the price is below, it will not undercut.

Dbregionsaleavg : The price source tsm uses for the average price the item sells for ( not posted for ). I try to buy my pets at dbregionsaleavg or below.

If you want to get faster sales but lower profit, you can also change the 3600 gold for 1800 gold ( 100 gold per pet charm ). If you go below 100 gold per charm, I would suggest buying pets instead of leveling pets but that’s up to you. More on that later.

Which pets to level?

The pets that you select to level is a huge factor. I have a tsm shopping group with high sale rate pets from every family. The group will be linked in a spreadsheet coming up later in this article. Keep in mind that if you are using mystery bags, pets will only cost 18 charms to level but you need to level every single type of pets!

Sales data from 5 pets

Over the course of the last 8 months, I’ve started selling the 5 pets in the picture below. In the last column, you can see how much gold I get from each charm. You can also see how slow these sales can be. As much as I’ve made 226 000 gold with Ikky, I only sold one every 27 posts. If you post twice per day, that’s one sale every 14 days. That being said, not having Ikky on your auction house will make you miss all of those sales. I could also have sold the pet more often if I reduced my minimum price.

Sales data from world of warcraft pets
Sales data from world of warcraft pets
Buying pets with charms

There are currently 64 different pets that you can buy with pet charms. However, you won’t be able to buy all of them. Some will need a certain level of reputation. Some are faction locked. Some require another type of currency. It can be annoying to find what is the best pet to buy. That’s why I made a spreadsheet to help you figure out which pets you can buy and which pet is the best one to buy! Click on the image below to open the tool.

Polished pet charms goldmaking spreadsheet world of warcraftPolished pet charms goldmaking spreadsheet world of warcraft

The tool will tell you the location of the vendor, the reputation needed ( if any ), other requirements and more. For more information on a specific pet, you can click on the name of the pet to be redirected to the wowhead page. In the “C” and “D” column, you can see how much gold you can make from each pet charms spent. To get accurate prices, you first need to make a copy of the spreadsheet.

making a copy google sheets
making a copy google sheets

Once the copy is made, you’ll be able to enter the prices of the pets in the yellow cells ( the “C” column ). In the “D” column, the gold per pet charm will appear. Simply buy the pets with the best gold per charm!

polished pet charms spreadsheet world of warcraft
polished pet charms spreadsheet world of warcraft
How to obtain pet charms

There are 2 main ways of getting pet charms

- Shadowlands, BFA and legion mission tables

- World quests from Dragonflight, Shadowlands, BFA and legion.

Shadowlands mission table

The Shadowlands mission table is by far the best way to get charms. You can login once per day on your alts to collect about 20 pet charms on average. I usually get 150 pet charms per table per week for each alts that login every day. Setting your first table can take an hour if you have already played shadowlands. If you never played Shadowlands, you’ll need to get a character to renown 80 for this to work. You also don’t need to farm anima since it can be farmed directly on the table.

Now, I could go into explaining how to set up the table but I think it’s better that I simply show you since I made a youtube video about this. Click on the image below to see the video and don't forget to like and subscribe <3!

Shadowlands mission table video world of warcraftShadowlands mission table video world of warcraft
BFA and legion mission tables

If you have played a lot of BFA and don’t know what to do with your war ressources, you can send missions with the BFA mission table that can give you charms. Unlocking the champions will require you to do the BFA war campaign. The pet charms missions aren’t very frequent. This is not a great way to get charms but it can be “ok” if you already have the setup.

The legion mission table will require a lot of questing to unlock. Again, the missions are rare and you will need to farm order hall resources to send them. Not an amazing way but fine if you already have the setup completed.

Pet battle world quests

Pet battle world quests can be a fun way to get charms and experience for your characters. On the other side, you will need a decent size collection to complete them. It’s very unlikely to run out of world quests since they reset everyday and are doable on as many characters as you’d like. 

If you don’t know anything about pet battles, I would highly suggest the wow-petguide website. Here are some of the very nice articles that you can find : 

Getting started on pet battling

Most used pets for battles

Addons and automation of pet battles

To find the strategy for each pet battle, look for the world quests of the desired expansion to find a strategy.

wow petguide world quests strategy finder
wow petguide world quests strategy finder

To find different strategies for a world quest, look at the left side for the name of the world quest to find strategies to beat it.

wow petguide world quests strategy finders world of warcraft
wow petguide world quests strategy finders world of warcraft
Big opportunities to make gold with Charms

An easy way to make gold with charms that requires a ton of patience is the wait for new pets to be released. When a new pet becomes available, the prices and sale rate are extremely high since nobody has those pets yet.

If you look at the undermine exchange website for the “Petal” pet, you can see that it was over 40000 gold in the first 2 weeks of the expansion. That’s 400 gold per charm since the pet costs 100 charms. Nowadays, it’s more towards 10000 gold for the same pet.

In the image below, the blue line is the price while the red line is the quantity available on the america region.

Undermine exchange petal graph world of warcraft
Undermine exchange petal graph world of warcraft

Keep in mind that the petal pet has no requirements at all to buy. If a new pet needs a reputation or a second currency to buy, it becomes harder to get which means a much higher price.

How to sell pets efficiently

I hear many people saying that pets don’t sell and I expect to receive comments saying exactly that. In the next article, I will go over how to sell pets efficiently. I want to destroy this concept of “pets don’t sell” when in reality, they sell every single day for me! If you want to read the article right now, check out my patreon! Otherwise, sign up to the newsletter at the bottom of this page to receive an e-mail every time an article comes up!

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