Alchemy alt army build
An alchemy alt army build for flasks and phials that will use concentration as its main way to make gold. Learn how goldmaking works for alchemy with this amazing build and its many perks.
For the first time in a long long time, I can say that I really enjoy alchemy. The profession has been my least favorite for quite some time because of the lack of goldmaking opportunities due to players farming their own herbs to craft potions and flasks. So what changed?
While people are still farming their own herbs to make flasks, it doesn’t really affect our ways to make gold, thanks to concentration. Concentration will be the main earner from this build. Furthermore, once the build is completed, you’ll have the opportunity to transition towards guaranteed rank 3 flasks and phials. You can also transition towards the thaumaturgy transmutations as a bonus way to make gold.
Leveling the profession
Since unlocking recipes is somewhat random, leveling alchemy will be different every time. Wild experimentation and meticulous experimentation (daily cooldown) is the mechanic to unlock recipes. When using wild experimentation, you may explode. When you explode, you’ll take some damage and you’ll have to wait 10 minutes to try to experiment again.

Before being able to experiment, you’ll need some coreway catalysts. To get catalysts, use the “neutralize concoctions” ability. Neutralizing concoctions is the process of destroying alchemy potions, flasks and phials to obtain catalysts. When neutralizing concoctions, scan the auction house for the cheapest reagents. The rank of the reagents doesn’t matter.
You can save a lot of gold from taking your time to unlock recipes. Yes, you can unlock all of the recipes on the first day from wild experimentation (to continue using wild experimentation, you need to craft formulated courage). Each wild experimentation costs 20 herbs and has a low chance of discovering a recipe. However, if you use meticulous experimentation, you’ll be guaranteed a recipe. Meticulous experimentation is a daily cooldown. There are only 20 recipes that can be unlocked from experimentation so technically, every recipe can be obtained within 3 weeks with meticulous experimentation.
I recommend doing wild experimentation with mycobloom, blessing blossom, orbinid and luredrop once before going into meticulous experimentation. As another bonus tip, I would wait to be at skill 59 before using meticulous experimentation since it’s the last point where you’ll gain 5 skill points. Once you reach skill 64 with meticulous experimentation, I would highly suggest spending some gold to reach a minimum of 90 skill. To see the full leveling process, I’ve done it recently on my live stream. The video below highlights the exact timestamp where I begin the full alchemy build.
Concentration usage
A great recipe right now that every alchemist will have access to is Harmonious Horticulture. It’s quite lucrative and easy to get (from knowledge). Otherwise, you’ll want to look through the recipes that you’ve unlocked. If you haven’t unlocked any phial or flask yet, harmonious horticulture is the way to go. Here are some examples of crafts that are usually lucrative:

Expected average profit
With about 180 knowledge points, you can usually expect over 10 average gold per point of concentration (price based on the NA servers. After looking at the EU prices, it was roughly 20% less). Since you should be getting about 7300 concentration per month, you could make 73 000 gold profit per month from this profession alone. If you get 10 alchemists, that’s 730 000 gold profit per month. Pair that with a second profession with similar numbers and that’s 1 460 000 gold per month. You can see how this can escalate to large sums.
In addition to the gold made with concentration, you can make gold in 2 other ways. Patron orders can often lead to profit. Eventually, you won’t need your artisan acuity so you’ll be able to buy rank 3 material bags. On top of that, augment runes and finishing reagents can be obtained through patron orders. Those items can be used or simply sold on the auction house. As bonus value, your flask and phial durations are increased. This could be a great profession for your pvp and pve characters. You’ll also sometimes get free soulbound flasks and phials!

Skill, stats, racial, consumables and buffs.
Skill plays a significant role in the build. From reducing concentration costs to making patron orders much easier, skill is as important as secondary stats. The number one secondary stat for reagent crafting is multicraft which means that you should aim to get a multicraft tool. Furthermore, resourcefulness is also great. Every single point of resourcefulness and multicraft counts. Crafting speed is not relevant. Ingenuity is decent but as you don't get a full refund on your concentration, it's not as big as resourcefulness and multicraft.
The best racial is goblin. It gives an extra 5 skill points in alchemy. Kul tirans also get 2 skill points for every profession. The phial of bountiful seasons grants resourcefulness during winter only. The phial of concentrated ingenuity increases your ingenuity. It’s quite cheap and will save you some concentration. The concoctor’s clutch is the profession bag although it doesn’t affect this build at all. For finishing reagents, you can choose between mirror powder or concentration concentrate. I usually use the rank 2 version but it depends on the price.

A new alchemy buff can be active for phials, flasks and potions. However, the buff is active for one type only and requires knowledge. To activate the buff, you need to craft the associated item (If you want the flask buff, you need to craft flasks). After crafting 10 of the associated items, you’ll get a buff of 240 multicraft, 240 ingenuity and 240 resourcefulness. Crafting the 10 items costs gold which begs the question: Is it worth it? If you have enough knowledge points, it’s definitely worth it since you can usually craft rank 2 items without losing gold. However, if you don’t have a lot of knowledge points, crafting the rank 2 items might cost too much to get the buff. On top of that, if you don’t have a lot of knowledge points, you won’t get the full potency of the buff! The buff lasts 5 minutes and gets refreshed by crafting the associated item once.

The quality of materials
When crafting with alchemy, it’s important to understand how the quality of materials will affect your goldmaking. As we’ve seen before, skill is very important. The higher the quality of materials, the less concentration you’ll need to use as it will increase your skill! However, higher quality materials cost more gold which increases your crafting cost. So how can we figure out what are the best materials to use? Thankfully, craftsim is here for us once again. Using the advanced reagent optimization module, craftsim will tell you which quality of materials to use for your current craft! In the image below, you’ll see the difference between the normal reagent optimization (which focuses on average maximum profit per craft) versus the advanced reagent optimization (which focuses on average profit per point of concentration).

Artisan acuity usage
The knowledge books should be the highest priority but it will depend on your other profession. While the tool is great, it is very expensive to craft a rank 5 quality tool! You also have to decide which of your 2 professions benefit the most from artisan acuity usage. With that in mind, here is my priority list:
1- 200 knowledge book (150 in reality since you get 50 back)
2- 300 knowledge book (250 in reality since you get 50 back)
3- 400 knowledge book (350 in reality since you get 50 back)
4- Multicraft tool (Made from scribes. Make sure to use a missive of multicraft. Enchant with ingenuity. It's probably better to get the rank 4 version for now. If prices get cheaper, make the rank 5)
5- Nerubian alchemist’s hat (Made from leatherworkers)
6- Artisan alchemist’s robe (Definitely not needed as it doesn’t have a huge impact. Made from tailors)
Knowledge point acquisition

Knowledge breakpoints
One time treasures

Knowledge path
Keep in mind that this is the global way to use your knowledge. You can also work towards one recipe and focus on the knowledge that affects it.